About me

welcome to my website!

I am a pizza lover, emoji user, and a visual creator. 

I am a 29 year old professional with a Masters degree in Design (Technology) at OCAD University. I graduated in 2017 with a Bachelor in Communications with a major in journalism. 

My passion is all about fashion and lifestyle content. I am a digital fashion stylist for my personal brand WHAT DO I WEAR?. Through school and my fond interest in visual creation I am working my way into the world of technology with a fashion narrative. 

I also worked in the editorial and publication world with fashion and lifestyle content. I was an assistant for Dote Magazine and have worked along side Branded YYC and Avenue Magazine. I have worked with large brands like Aritzia in multiple levels to support my drive.

Additional to my work in the fashion industry, I  do photography, videography, and work as a project & product manager in digital creation. 

Be sure to look at my social media links at the bottom of my pages and email me if you have questions or for digital consultant work.